Resin, Steel & Aluminum Pool Comparisons
When deciding on a swimming pool, you need to consider many factors - size, style, safety, and even the material itself. All may seem similar, but facts regarding physical properties and internal mechanisms show that the material you select will be the most crucial decision of all.
Resin pools are at most only 20% resin. The balance of the pool is either steel or aluminum. Resin (plastic) does not have the strength to hold water and will fade and crack over time. Usually the resin parts to a pool are for cosmetic reasons only.
Steel is a heavy, hard, and strong metal, but is highly corrosive and is severely affected by the cold of winter and the heat of summer. Battleships and bridges are made of steel; however, they must be sanded and repainted from season to season. You have never heard of steel siding for homes, simply because rainwater, snow, sun, and the natural elements of the environment will rust steel. Even galvanized steel may rust in some areas, its paint can break down over time and youwill be left with a deteriorated pool.
Aluminum is an abundant element in the earth's crust, which is protected by a layer of its natural, rust resistant shield. This metal is extremely reactive; when exposed to air, it rapidly becomes covered with a tough, transparent layer of aluminum oxide that resists corrosion. Aluminum oxide acts as a shield, when it comes in contact with water, the aluminum and oxygen molecules shift apart from their normal molecular positions. As a result, when the outer layer of aluminum oxide gets wet, its structure changes just enough to become chemically inert and is able to react rapidly with additional water molecules or atmospheric oxygen. Aluminum does not tarnish or rust and has an extremely high strength to weight ratio. It also becomes stronger and retains its toughness, as it gets colder.
Alligator Group pools are made of a high marine grade anodized extruded aluminum frame. Our swimming pools are strong, corrosion resistant, maintenance free, and warranted to last a lifetime. The same material is used to build stadium seats, air planes, moving trailers, mail trucks, skyscrapers and space craft.